Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)

What Is Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)?

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) is a property of distributed systems that ensures they can reach consensus and function correctly, even when some participants (nodes) act maliciously or provide faulty information. The concept originates from the Byzantine Generals’ Problem, an abstract problem in computer science that illustrates the challenges of achieving consensus in a system with potentially unreliable participants.

The Byzantine Generals’ Problem

The problem involves a group of Byzantine generals who must decide collectively whether to attack or retreat. They communicate only through messengers, and some generals might be traitors who send false information to disrupt consensus. The challenge is to devise a system that guarantees the loyal generals reach the same decision, regardless of the presence of traitors.

Key insights from this problem include:

  • Consensus is possible if at least two-thirds of the generals (or nodes) are loyal.
  • The system must tolerate failures or malicious actions without compromising its ability to function.

Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems

Decentralized systems, like blockchain networks, face a similar challenge. Nodes in these networks are operated by independent participants, and it’s impossible to fully trust that every node provides accurate information. Some nodes may fail or act maliciously, either intentionally or unintentionally.

BFT ensures that the network can:

  • Reach Consensus: Agree on a single version of the truth (e.g., transaction records).
  • Remain Secure: Prevent malicious nodes from disrupting operations or causing inconsistencies.

How BFT is Achieved in Blockchain

Blockchain networks employ various mechanisms to achieve BFT:

  1. Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW):
    • Miners compete to solve cryptographic puzzles, and the longest valid chain of blocks is accepted as the truth.
    • PoW ensures consensus as long as more than half of the network’s computational power is controlled by honest nodes.
  2. Proof-of-Stake (PoS):
    • Validators are selected based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold and are willing to lock up as a stake.
    • PoS systems often require a two-thirds majority of honest validators to maintain consensus.
  3. Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT):
    • A modified BFT algorithm where selected nodes (delegates) validate transactions and blocks.
    • Popular in networks like NEO, it achieves high scalability and fast transaction processing.
  4. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT):
    • A consensus mechanism used in some blockchains (e.g., Hyperledger Fabric), where nodes exchange messages to agree on the validity of transactions.

Key Requirements for BFT

  • Majority of Honest Participants: At least two-thirds of the nodes must be reliable to ensure accurate consensus.
  • Redundancy: Multiple nodes process the same data to detect and isolate faulty or malicious actors.
  • Resilience to Failures: The system can tolerate a specific number of faults without compromising operations.

Applications of BFT

  1. Blockchain Networks: Ensuring decentralized systems like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others maintain security and accuracy.
  2. Distributed Databases: Providing consistency across geographically distributed data centers.
  3. Aerospace and Defense: Ensuring reliable communication and control in critical systems.
  4. Finance: Maintaining consistency in distributed ledgers for payment processing and settlement.


Byzantine Fault Tolerance is a foundational concept for distributed systems, ensuring they remain reliable and secure even in the presence of faulty or malicious participants. In the context of blockchain, BFT enables trustless networks to achieve consensus without a central authority, supporting the core principles of decentralization and transparency.